1: B
2: A
3: B
4: D
5: A
6: A
7: C
8: C
9: B
10: D
11: B
12: D
13: A
14: C
sorry I don't know French
Ma Ajutati va Rog Frumos replies: "Why the police came down to the Louvre"
"What is the value of the portrait of Jean Le bon "
The thief has provided false leads to the guards. Find the phrases that express this idea "
"What made it easier to steal the Web Watteau "
' ' that represents I'indifférent ' '
' ' How does the name of the array ' ' MULTUMESC!!!!!
Hope this helps
subjonctif :
“Il est important que les élèves reçoivent une bonne éducation”
“Il faut que nous attendions que les risques soient réduits”
<span>Helen et Alexandra mettent leur maillot de bain parce qu'elles vont nager.</span>