You want someone to right 5 or more sentences or you didn’t finish your sentence
Explanation: I agree that Gatsby probaly exhibits traits of one fo the 20 disorders. A man who orders his life around one desire: to ... It is a novel of triumph and tragedy. Noted for the remarkable way Fitzgerald captured a .. However, all positive traits aside, there are aspects of Jay Gatsby that call into question that admiration... Terms & Conditions. Gatsby is considered 'great' by the measurement of dreams, his wealth, his larger-than-life personality, the festivities and joviality that, to others in the novel, mark him as a man of high stature and almost god-like in personal proportions. atsby's money did not come from inheritance, as he would like people to believe, but from organized crime.
- Im sorry i didnt have time for evidence searching which i usually do because i love reading and writing. Hopefully this will help.
family group staff panel choir
Life is predictable and lonely
The Importance of Truth
A) Truth matters, both to us as individuals and to society as a whole.
As individuals, being truthful means that we can grow and mature, learning from our mistakes.
For society, truthfulness makes social bonds, and lying and hypocrisy break them.
The importance of Love
B) it helps with Connecting With Another Human Being
it's helps to develop Self Discovery
The importance of non violence
C) The aim of non-violent conflict is to convert your opponent; to win over their mind and heart and persuade them that your point of view is right. An important element is often to make sure that the opponent is given a face-saving way of changing their mind.
D)Good manners show the best you have to offer and encourage others to be their best. Practicing these manners on a daily basis makes for a more pleasant life. Manners are important to make a good impression on others in everyday life. They also helps you to feel good about yourself and your identity
The importance of peace.
E) Peace is a concept of societal friendship and harmony in the absence of hostility and violence. In a social sense, peace is commonly used to mean a lack of conflict. And freedom from fear of violence between individuals or heterogeneous group.