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Unitary government controls weaker states in which the power is not shared between states or province, the advantage is that they have uniform laws throughout the country and having orderliness and stability. While the Confederate government is a federation of independent states where the advantage is that it prevents the growth of a large central government by keeping the power at local levels making the several states cooperate regarding common concern. The federal government’s power, unlike the unitary and confederate government, was divided between central and local government where they have their own set of rules, and officials.<span>
please let me brainliests please let me brainliests please let me brainliests please let me brainliests please let me brainliests please let me brainliests please let me brainliests please let me brainliests please let me brainliests please let me brainliests please let me brainliests please let me brainliests
He thought the economy would do better by finding efficiency and wealth through the "Invisible Hand" of the market. He felt that government intervention weakened the economy. He also thought that the government would set up a system where businesses would start to band together to try to extract favors from the government, thus, the businesses would work together and not compete, which would make their product prices raise, and their product value and quality fall.
The right answer is (4): held <span>positions of power in feudal systems.
Some examples why the other answers ar</span>e wrong inlude: Samurai are from Japan and they did not fight in Spain (not 3) and they were military fighters, not religious leaders (not 1)