At about 2000 b.c. the Greeks established city state and each city state had its own government and most Greeks built there farm lands on the fertile land on the edge of the rocky coast
The Industrial Revolution changed the economy as it created more jobs, increased trade, and raised prices and lowered salary's. The Industrial Revolution opened a window for large business companies and factories for many, but factory life was very harmful and paid little to none. Thus requiring families to have children work just to have enough income for basic necessities. Trade was on the rise as goods were manufactured swiftly and efficiently.
The Industrial Revolution changed society as it caused urbanization, decreased safety, caused huge overcrowding and pollution. During the Industrial Revolution, safety within factories was not a priority and many workers were harmed or killed in work. Overcrowding occurred as many had to move from rural to urban areas to get jobs, thus crowding in slums and tenants. Pollution, specifically air and water pollution, was on the rise as smoke from factories increased green house gases and factories dumping out sewage in open bodies of water polluted the water.
Hope this helps!
Frederick Douglass hoped in the future there would be
equality for all races. To achieve this dream, Douglass believed that education
was the key to attaining equality and bright future for Black Americans. Though Andrew Jackson was a slave holder, he
too had hopes for the future of the United States. This was through expansion. Jackson believed that it was America’s
destiny to rule over the entire continent.
This was later carried out by President Polk who promoted westward
The people of Maryland had a long tradition of slave-holding andties to the south. They wanted to secede from the Union, butPresident Lincoln would not allow it. Maryland surrounded thecapital of the US on three sides and if they seceded, the capitalwould have to secede also.
B. It was an inevitable result of the approach to Reconstruction.
Godkin feels that the Ku Klux Klan "was an inevitable result of the approach to Reconstruction."
Godkin described the Ku Klux Klan as like cholera coming out or originated naturally from the filthy areas. And it is a result of how the country managed the whole Reconstruction approach in the South.
However, he concluded that the Ku Klux Klan pose no solution to the problem ravaging the south.