Use of machinery with the division of labour reduced the required skill level of workers and also increased the output per worker. The factory system was first adopted in Britain at the beginning of the Industrial Revolution in the late eighteenth century and later spread around the world.
Key texts from Confucius (551-471 BCE) were core material for the civil service examinations in imperial China, beginning in the Sui dynasty (581-618 CE) and reaching the height of development in the Qing dynasty (1644-1912 CE). Not only was the focus on Confucius, but on recognized authoritative commentaries on Confucius.
The correct aswer is Option D which is it gave the abolitionist control of northern politics, when both anti and pro slavery people had an agreement regardig the extension of slavery the anti slavery people known as abolitionist made sure that in the north states and the new territories this practices ould no be adopted.
There were a few causes that led to the American declaration of war against the British in 1812. At this time Britain was at war with France and attempted to cut off trade between the US and France. Additionally at sea the British were impressing US seamen or forcing them to become part of the British Royal Navy. Another cause of the war was that the British were helping to arm Native Americans to prevent American expansion westward. As a result of these forces the U.S. eventually went to war with Great Britain.