A because it if from that persons experience and their view on what happened in the narrative
What passage this is very unclear
In my view Hedda Gabbler is the most morally ambiguous between the two. Allow me to compare the two characters in order to clarify my views. Hedda Gabbler is an older Norwegian housewife of upper-*Middle class who chose to marry because she was starting to grow older. Her motivations are not always clear and sometimes it seems as though she suffers some kind of mental illness. Also, the etymology of her name is quite revelatory, her name comes from " the Germanic name Hadewig, derived from the Germanic elements hadu "battle, combat" and wig "war" ( Hedda is obviously in conflict with the patriarchal society of her time and she aims to not only be in command of her own destiny but also to control her husband. She kills herself in order to deny the power of a man over her. Even in her death she is defiant. Daisy Miller on the other hand is a very young adult and rich American who loves Europe and its ways. She is naive and innocent and her behavior is not as vindictive as the behavior of Hedda Gabbler. Daisy is in opposition to the conservative and patriarchal views of society more because of her exposition ot European cultures and less due to a conscious realization of her condition. Her name is the name of a flower and her death is also symbolic as she dies from malaria. Flowers die during winter and Daisy's winter is the disease that kills her. She is more a victim than a proto-feminist.
tragic resolution
The setti
Characterization was already done, and this is slowly the end of the story.
No answer still. I thrust a torch through the remaining aperture [opening] and let it fall within. There came forth in return only a jingling of the bells. My heart grew sick--on account of the dampness of the catacombs. I hastened [hurried] to make an end of my labor. I forced the last stone into its position; I plastered it up. Against the new masonry I reerected the old rampart [wall] of bones. For the half of a century no mortal has disturbed them. In pace requiescat [Rest in peace]