technological advancements has led to higher relative demand for skilled workers and a lower elative demand for workers preforming routine activities
Fredrick lll of Denmark <span />
Texas started urbanizing more and more during World War 2 because of the manufacturing industry that started prospering in the area in World War 2 which was caused by the military which manufactured war necessities and trained troops there. Before that, Texas was primarily agricultural. After the war ended, the companies kept working but it slowly switched to private ownership and Texas remained an urban ground.
Tree ring patterns.............
1. a
2. d
3. b
4. a
5. a
6. a
7. a
8. b
9. a
10. c
11. He had wept and the people cheered because the berlin wall was finally torn down and East and west Germany was once again united as one country. When the communist took over east Germany and built the wall, many fled rather than live under communist rule. Many had died attempting to do so because of freedom.
12. The president assumed that as rich Americans got richer then they will open more businesses. Now as new businesses opened, more middle-low class citizens will follow. The middle and lower class will either get jobs at these new businesses considering that the job pay better then their old job. Another assumption would be that the middle and lower class will get some of those benefits that the rich have. The new businesses would also lure rural Americans into the cities. Where they would get better jobs and therefore better benefits for all Americans.