The basic principle of Marxism is, there should be equality. Karl Marx believed in a utopian society wherein people are equal and classless. But in order to achieve this utopian society, there are three phases that should happen. First, a revolution should take place. This is because of class stuggle. The rich often times exploit the working class and inequal distrubution of goods. Second, a new leader or dictator must lead. In order to achieve the utopian society, they must rid off the capitalist who are in the government. And lastly, a new government be created . They must create a government that follows the principles of socialism or equality.
Freedom, natural rights, and self determination.
An Enlightenment philosopher the influenced the revolutions was John Locke. John Locke had the idea of natural rights, where all men are born equal. He also had the idea that governments are supposed to protect these natural rights and private property of its citizens. Another idea he had was that the government could and should be overthrown if its people are "unsatisfied". John Locke's idea of natural rights influenced a lot of major revolutions in history.
The answer to your question is c and e
The developed a division of labor so that people could help to do there own jobs and not interfering with others.