Ronald Reagan was president during the Cold War with the Soviet Union and was also known for the Watergate Scandal.
Suffering should be avoided. I am a Buddhist and Buddhism is built on the fact that humans are suffrage, we create our own suffering by being selfish and wanting to much and never giving it back. That is why when you find enlightenment you are not only finding your soul but you have everything you need and want.
Andrew Jackson won redemption four years later in an election that was characterized to an unusual degree by negative personal attacks. Jackson and his wife were accused of adultery on the basis that Rachel had not been legally divorced from her first husband when she married Jackson. Shortly after his victory in 1828, the shy and pious Rachel died at the Hermitage; Jackson apparently believed the negative attacks had hastened her death. The Jacksons did not have any children but were close to their nephews and nieces, and one niece, Emily Donelson, would serve as Jackson’s hostess in the White House.
Because they need more time so they taxed people to help those in need