This is easy, common denominators. Well you know denominators are at the bottom of a fraction, and you know common means the same, so it would be something like
a d
b = b
He taught them discipline and military strategies used by other armies in order to help them become more professional.
<em>Young people</em> made up the biggest group of anti-war protesters.
hope it helps!
The correct option is;
C) Resented the limits it imposed on westward expansion
The Proclamation intended to protect the colonist from rampages by the Indians and also to protect Native Americans from attacks with measures including the ban on purchase of land from the natives by private individuals and restrict travel and trade into the west to only licensed traders and prevented westward colonial expansion past Appalachia
The proclamation was put to effect on the 7th of October 1763.
It helped solve the problems that were not directly said or pointed out in the constitution