c. Record no revaluations, bonus, or goodwill
As new incoming partner is giving more than the investment required it means there is some goodwill or revaluations or bonus involved which requires to be treated in the books otherwise it will be assumed that accounts are not properly reported and capital accounts will not be justified. Third option says no revaluations, bonus or goodwill will be recorded which is wrong.
Thailand has the highest annual growth rate so it is fastest economy to grow in rela income per person form 1960 to 2010 that is 4.91%
Irleand has the highest real income per person in year 2010 that is $41,558
Ireland, Pakistan and Thailand had lower real income per person than Finland in 1960 but only Ireland had higher real income per person than Finland in 2010.
Answer:the change is 8.97. I’m not sure what the second one is wanting?
B, A
A: 16% = 1.0F + 6%; F = 10%; B: 12% = 0.8F + 6%: F = 7.5%; thus, short B and take a long position in A.