The treaty of Versailles which was agreed after world war 1, to avert such war in the future, part of the treaty was the limitation of Germany in having an army of not more than 100,000 men.
However, Hitler broke the treaty of Versailles, by building up the military army not just for war, but also to salvage economic situation of Germany.
Hitler further broke the treaty of Versailles in many ways by invading Austria in 1936, and also Czechoslovakia in 1938.
Answer: B. It was strongly opposed by a group of Southern Democrats.
The consensus that the peoples could keep slavery out of there state if they wished. And it would devise the union on slavery.
An important modern-day protest movement in 2021 is the new uprising in support of Black Lives Matter. This movement was founded nearly a decade ago but only in 2020 with the murder of George Floyd did the movement really pick up speed. Protests erupted throughout the country and more awareness was brought to this social injustice. Now, with many supporters, laws are being passed to help lower the amount of police brutality cases, and help African Americans feel more safe in the United States.