I believe that the Korean War started when the North Korean Communist army crossed the 38th Parallel and invaded non-Communist South Korea.
John D. Rockefeller went into business when he was 20, and he picked up his first oil well as a sideline. He soon saw that that was the right horse to ride. Even before automobiles and airplanes laid their heavy claim on oil, it'd begun replacing coal in the power industries.
Andrew Carnegie makes the better hero. He, after all, was part and parcel of the emerging technologies that made our country. And his giving sprang from some deep-seated core of principle. Yet the Rockefeller clan assumed the mantle of public service. They've become political leaders and professional givers -- one died doing anthropological research in New Guinea.
They agreed to not use nuclear weapons.
To lessen the threat of an accidental nuclear war, the United States and the Soviet Union agree to establish a “hot line” communication system between the two nations. ... The United States had discovered that the Soviets were building missile sites in Cuba capable of firing missiles with nuclear warheads.
Your answer will be - The benefits of the best alternative option that are given up by a particular decision