1. Gatsby certainly did love Daisy, and all she represented to him - -success, power, and glamor. She was the unattainable, his Dream. However, Gatsby creates this love for Daisy, just as he creates a fantasy life. She is integral to his dream for success.
number 2 is asking to apply YOUR own life. this one I can't answer.
3. t's about the costs of fantasy—inevitable costs, since our dreams and fantasies are part of who we are. ... (Gatsby, Nick concludes, made the mistake of “living too long with a single dream”; this makes him admirable, but also unwise, even delusional.) A kind of fatigue sets in.
4. However, I inferred you are referring to the article written by Joshua Rothman in the Newyorker entitled "The Serious Superficiality of The Great Gatsby".
5. 1) The American dream 2) Gatsby's love for Daisy
I would highly suggest you look at cliff notes or spark notes. I read this back in high school and The 2 sites were very helpful with answering questions like this! hope this helps.
A compare-and-contrast paragraph’s outline of two editorials must include two thesis statements.
A good compare-and-contrast essay should address the following:
• State the unknown
• All sort misunderstanding should be cleared up
• Exhibit the differentiation of one thing from the other
• Exhibit a contemporary way of doing, see and understanding a certain issue
• Define a point and contribute supportive facts.
A Match is a formal contest in which two or more persons or teams compete. It is often part of a tournament but can also exist on its own.
The Tournament consists of multiple matches between contestants. There is usually a large number of contestants in a tournament. Because of this, a tournament is usually divided into various matches, each involving some of the competitors.
A gerund is a form of a verb when the actions is not yet finished. It main difference from the other verbs is that it ends with "ing". Often, but not exclusively, it functions as a noun. Which means that can receive and perform an action. But it also retains properties of a verb, like being modificable by an adverb.
I hope this answer helps you.