Answer: To split into two or more daughter cells
Interphase is the first stage in cell division (mitosis and meiosis). During the stage, the parent cell acquire nutrients, increase in size and duplicate its cellular contents (chromosomes, organelles etc) before heading into four other stages (Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase and Telophase) meant to generate the individual daughter cells capable of independent living.
Explanation:Es cuando la interacción nuclear que experimentan los protones y los neutrones son mayores que la fuerza de repulsión eléctrica
de los protones
Es estable cuando existe un equilibrio entre las fuerzas que actúan, o las fuerzas atractivas son mayores que las repulsivas
Jaylyn Fly's average is 11
Suzy Swoosh's average is 10.9
Suhain Sprint's average is 10.4
When you need to find an average, you just need to add the numbers up and then divide by the total number of values you added.
The answer is C, because it has a negative charge -1. All groups with charges called ions, unless they are organic compounds.