A rebelion against slavery which set the beginning of debates about ending Slavaery in the United States.
Nat Turner started such a big slave rebellion in Southampton that it became a great concern among white americans since from that moment on they started to discuss about the validity of slavery in America. We can say Nat Turner's efftors in 1831 brought about the first steps to eliminate slavery as it became a raise of awareness, the first big voice and actions stating the need of a change on that matter even though it would take more years to become a reality. The discussion started thanks to him and it eventually concluded on the abolition of slavery.
<em> Stricter measures to prevent slave uprisings in southern states </em>
Slave rebellions also began to occur and caused slave owners to implement even more harsh restrictions on slaves. The Black preacher, Nat Turner, believed his mission on Earth was to free his people from slavery. Seeing an 1831 solar eclipse as a message from God, he led a slave rebellion on four Virginia plantations. Approximately 60 whites were killed before Turner and his followers were captured, tried, and executed. Fear and anger over the murder of primarily white women and children led to many innocent Blacks becoming victims of mob violence. Virginia, a state that had been considering a ban on slavery, instead passed a series of laws to strengthen the institution of slavery. Other southern states quickly passed laws that emulated Virginia’s revised slave codes to reflect more strict control.
The Comet was the second steamboat to navigate the Ohio and Mississippi rivers. Daniel D. Smith was the first to defy the steamboat monopoly in Orleans Territory granted to Livingston and Fulton.