Dem bois was like articles of confederation suck so let’s get 9/13 states to like our new document said James Madison so they made a new one
Banishment and confistication of properties. His reason was treason.
In his second year as pope, Innocent faced the problem of heresy in Christianity. He referred to the heretics as people who were committing treasons against God.
for people to be spiritual disciplined he called on church authorities to use excommunication. Banishment and confistication of properties were also used against the heretics of the Albigensian and Waldensian movements.
His reasons were that the traitors were committing treasons against God and were offending divine majesty.
The Federalists felt that this addition wasn't necessary, because they believed that the Constitution as it stood only limited the government not the people. The Anti- Federalists claimed the Constitution gave the central government too much power, and without a Bill of Rights the people would be at risk of oppression.
Hope This Helps!
Your two best options are:
ensures that the 12 notes are given equal important.
is characterized by the works of Arnold Schoenberg.
the twelve-tone technique was made by Arnold Schoenberg and is also called "serialism" and "dodecaphony." It's a method that rejects keys.
The Dutch West Indie Company.