Fungi= basidiomycota
animalia= insect
plantae= cactus
The process of gene flow
Gene flow refers to the transference of genetic variation from one population to another. High rates of gene flow are known to modify the allele frequencies and reduce genetic differences among groups. Gene flow limits the process of speciation by combining gene pools form different groups. In humans, for example, it has been shown that migration in the past decreased genetic variation among their populations, thereby leading to the homogenization of genotype frequencies among geographic groups. It is for that reason that in population genetics the concept of 'human races' is now often recognized as erroneous and inadequate.
Distributive (or vasogenic) shock is caused by a sudden severe decrease in peripheral vascular resistance that causes extensive pooling of blood within the venous system and subsequent decreased venous return to the heart.
A nebula is an interstellar cloud of "Dust and Gas"
Convergent evolution
Convergent evolution is a type of evolution of similar features and/or structures between organisms that are not phylogenetically related. This type of evolution is known to create analogous structures/organs that exhibit similar or the same functions but were not present in the last common ancestor of these taxa. An example of analogous structures (and therefore also of convergent evolution) are the wings of bats and of insects (e.g., butterflies). Conversely, divergent evolution is a type of evolution where species phylogenetically related, i.e., species that share a common ancestor, evolve and accumulate differences over time.