An election of President occurs every four years, before the general election, candidates go trough a series os state primaries and caucuses, people can vote for a candidate of any politicial party, each select a nominee to unite behind, the nominees anuncies a vice president candidate, the campaign across the country, Presidential debates take pace wich expose their ideas, at the election Day the electors cast their votes, the Congress counts the electoral votes and the Inauguration day finally take place.
The main Advantages are: the ability to know the candidates, to see the candidates in many situations, candidates have time to recover a bad situation, people don't need to rush into a choice.
The main Desadvantages are: Candidates for no chance stay in, hurts primary candidates on both sides, American people stop paying attention .
Hinduism is different from many religions because it has no specific beliefs that everyone must agree with to be considered a Hindu. Instead, it is inclusive of many different, sometimes contradictory, beliefs. Hinduism can mean different things to everyone who practices it. Also, there are many different gods and goddesses that are worshipped in Hinduism. Which god or goddess is most important to a person often depends on where they're from in India. Belief in reincarnation is another characteristic that sets Hinduism apart from most other religions.
Hope this helps! ;)
Lutheranism to forfeiture of all of their property
Jaja of Opobo positioned himself as a successful merchant and a symbol of nationalists against the influence of British colonists. He blocked the access of British merchants to Opobo's palm oil supplies through monopoly trading system and taxes on British merchants' trades. He even went further and bypassed the merchants by shipping directly to the Great Britain, independently of the British middlemen.
Avoid life in roman times