Because after all they're still in the same family, and if they don't get along well, especially when they're older, arguing will often happen and they cannot solve serious problems
well the story wasn't added but ill try my best!
first, based off ha we have read this unit id say people value time a lot! time is very valuable and cant be change once it is gone its is gone forever! i always hear people say if i could go back in time in change everything i would! i can tell from the passage that the narrator really values time which can have a big reflection on life!
next, in the passage they try to explain and show a life lesson in time they do this by using very good chosen words which can help the reader picture the events! as time goes by people realize their good and bad throughout there life! but what matters most is how they choose to reflect on it! this could result to making things worse or better! so this is why you are suppose to think before you act!
third, they author also tries to show that no one is perfect! i say this bectuse ist states that peploe make mistakes but its them to chooe howto learn from those mistakes they have made! however they choose to result with the problems is how they will do in the near future this isnwhy us people need to see that we arent perfect and to pay attention to what we are doing!
now you can do the last to paragraphs because how ill you learn if i just do all the work for you and i even left some ussage correcting so that you can correct them hope this helps good luck on your essay
_from Mike_
Can you please tell me what book this is on.
Consideration is the careful thinking of matter or situation that will usually take a substantial amount of time. Flexibility is the ability of the body to extend its muscles to induce bending movement. Flexibility may also mean as the capability of a person to adjust with the change in situation. Tolerance is the ability of the person to endure a certain situation. Tolerance will help the person to continue and do what he needs to do. Honest communication is the telling of the truth among each other. Honest communication is when you understand each other and feel comfortable with each other thus not hiding anything.<span> </span>