<em>a) The Catholic Church was heavily involved in city-state governments, controlled public literacy, and required churchgoers to follow the Seven Sacraments. </em>
From 590 to 1517, the Roman Church overwhelmed the western world. The Roman Catholic Church controlled religion, rationality, ethics, legislative issues, workmanship, and training. This was the dull ages for genuine Christianity. The crucial precepts of Biblical Christianity had nearly vanished, and with the disregard of genuine regulation came the death of life and light that establishes the love of the One True God as announced in Christ.
The Roman Catholic Church was philosophically wiped out and its religious philosophy prompted appalling debasements. It was profoundly depleted, enfeebled and practically dead. Rome had genuinely withdrawn from the educating of the Bible and was fascinated by genuine blasphemy.
There can be no gratefulness for the Reformation until one sees the incredible profound need of the western world in the sixteenth century. No Christian, Roman Catholic, Protestant or Independent can overlook the time of history from 590 to 1517. This period is a "dark spot" to all who name the name of Christ, however, it is Christian history.