In factories- it was rough, everyone is on a handful of hours of sleep, they barely got paid, and when children were working in the factories, they would hurt themselves a lot.
A) They argued about federalism and how the federal and state governments would share power.
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1) They could've tried to defend the European Explorers to not set foot on there land, even though they might've all died in war.
2) Horrible, they got there first, its theirs, and they don't deserve the diseases the Europeans do, they can stay to their religion, and its not a big deal.
1. Civil cases usually involve private disputes between persons or organizations. Criminal cases involve an action that is considered to be harmful to society as a whole
2.The term sanction also can describe disagreement and condemnation. In CRIMINAL LAW, a sanction is the punishment for a criminal offense. In civil litigation, sanctions are slightly different from remedies. A remedy is the relief accorded to a victorious litigant.