<span> General Attitude </span><span>- Creation of White House Sub Cabinet Group and formal designation by agencies of top staff people to keep in touch with interracial problems. Speeches, statements, responses to press conference inquiries by President and top Administration officials. Two messages on Civil Rights sent to the Congress. Meetings held by President with Governors, Mayors, business, labor and other leaders on Civil Rights issues.</span>
When African were brought to America during the infamous slave trade, all their connections with the African past were taken away. They did not have the right to pray to their gods, to use their names, nor even to speak their native languages.
Enslaved Africans in America told their stories and spoke about their motherland only through Storytelling. It was how questions were answered, how his history was transferred, and how life lessons were taught and learned. Storytelling was the means of preserving the connection with African culture in America.
By the consent of the people over whom they rule.
The "social contract" refers to an implicit agreement between a government and the citizens of the society overseen by that government. Philosophers of the Enlightenment era were famous for arguing the idea of a "social contract." According to this view, a government's power to govern comes from the consent of the people themselves -- those who are to be governed. This was a change from the previous ideas of "divine right monarchy" -- that a king ruled because God appointed him to be the ruler. One of the most influential of the social contract theorists was John Locke, who repudiated the views of divine right monarchy in his <em>First Treatise on Civil Government.</em> In his <em>Second Treatise on Civil Government</em>, Locke then argued for the rights of the people to create their own governments according to their own desires and for the sake of protecting and enhancing their own life, liberty, and property.