This belief reflects an omnipotent view of management.
integer userInput
integer i
integer mid
integer array(20) number
userInput = 1
for i = 0; userInput >= 0; i = i + 1
if number[i] > -1
userInput = Get next input
number[i] = userInput
i = i - 1
mid = i / 2
if i > 9
Put "Too many inputs" to output
elseif i % 2 == 0
Put number[mid - 1] to output
Put number[mid] to output
Okay so what you would is press ctrl+alt+delete and click log out i think but if you have a disk put it in and secure everything trust me i am a computer savage. i hack thing all the time.
Object-Oriented DBMS.
Like classes in Object oriented programming Object-Oriented DBMS is can store objects.It follows an Object oriented data model with the properties of classes and the properties of Object oriented programming also.Objects can be in the form of complex data types or different data types.