The answer is false. To explain further, let G have vertices
{v1, v2, v3, v4}, with ends between each pair of vertices, and with the mass on
the edge from vi to vj equal to I + j. Then each tree has a bottle neck edge mass
of as a minimum of 5, so the tree containing of a track through vertices v3, v2,
v1,v4 is a least bottleneck tree. It is not a least spanning tree, though, subsequently
its total mass is greater than that of the tree with edges from v1 to every
single vertex.
The introduction of foxes in order to control, or even decline, the rapidly growing rabbit population was not effective due to very simple reasons, reproduction rates and available area for living.
The rabbits are reproducing quicker than the foxes, and not just quicker, but in larger numbers with every lither, thus outnumbering the foxes by far, even if each fox manages to kill a rabbit or two each day.
The area available for the rabbits to live and spread out is huge, so they are not limited by a small amount of area where their number will have to stop to grow because of lack of food sources, thus spreading around without any problem, especially because of the lack of competition.
This method of growing a new shrub is a type of asexual reproduction by fragmentation
Fragmentation is a type of asexual reproduction in which the parent organism is separated into many fragments, and each fragments will develop into complete matured individuals that are identical to the parent. Some animals and plants such as shrubs, ferns reproduce by fragmentation.
The correct options are A AND D.
Meeting the growing demand for food will involve planting more food crops and this will requires more lands. The planted crops will also need water in order to grow very well. Thus, more land and water will be needed to produce more food.