feminine: Nosotras estamos colocando
masculine: Nosotros estamos colocando
Have a great day. Hope this helps
There is no image
Explanation: None of the sentences you gave match with the sentence that you gave
1. Cierto.
2. Falso.
3. Cierto.
4. Cierto.
5. Falso.
6. Falso.
In this exercise you have to say if the statements are true or false. Then, you have to say "cierto" when the statement is true and you have to say "falso" when the statement is false. In Spanish the word "cierto" means verdadero (true) and the word "falso" means "false".
For example:
1. This statement is true (cierto).
2. This statement is false (falso).
3. This statement is true (cierto).
4. This statement is true (cierto).
5. This statement is false (falso).
6. This statement is false (falso).