I would venture to say that the country in South America that has the least amount of disposable water would be probably in northern Chile which is a desert ie the Atacama desert which stretches from the Pacific across to the Andes Mts while on the other hand, in southern Chile there is a temperate climate with significant rainfall and considerable disposable water.
Tropical oceans spawn approximately 80 tropical storms annually, and about two-thirds are severe (category 1 or higher on the Saffir-Simpson scale of intensity). Almost 90 percent of these storms form within 20° north or south of the Equator. Poleward of those latitudes, sea surface temperatures are too cool to allow tropical cyclones to form, and mature storms moving that far north or south will begin to dissipate.
One effect that plentiful harvests had on ancient civilizations of the mainland's river valleys was to help have larger populations and the need to have materials to survive.
Moist winds are forced upward by high landforms.