No one cares about sea monsters back then
Reflects the idea that government rests on the consent of the governed
<span>Although we see these values, we must also recognize the tremendous double standard between genders at play here. That Homer never reproaches Odysseus for his extracurricular romances but condemns the unfaithful women in the poem recalls Calypso’s angry statement about the double standard for immortals: male gods are allowed to take mortal lovers, while female goddesses are not. Likewise, men such as Odysseus have some freedom to "wander" sexually during their geographical wanderings -- so long as they are ultimately faithful to their home -- while Penelope and the other women in The Odyssey are chastised for their lack of chastity. Indeed, Odysseus does remain true to Penelope in his heart, and his desire to reunite with her drives his faithful journey. Fidelity is also central at the end of the poem, when Odysseus tests the loyalties of his servants and punishes those who have betrayed him.</span>
It was a National political convention held at Manns Tarven.
Battle of Plataea
it was finally driven from the country after the battle of Plataea in 479 bce, where it was defeated by a combined force of Spartans, Tegeans, and Athenians. The Persian navy was defeated at Mycale, on the Asiatic coast, when it declined to engage the Greek fleet.