This specimen is also far too old for C-14 dating to be accurate, as well as for any other technique but palaeomagnetic dating.
The second part of the sentence is not accurate, since the remains were dated by uranium-lead dating. Carbon-14 dating measures ages in the tens of thousands of years, and uranium-lead dating measures in the millions to billions of years.
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An enzyme is a protein that changes the rate of a chemical reaction.
galactose and glucose
Lactase catalyzes the hydrolysis of the glycosidic bond in the disaccharide lactose, releasing galactose and glucose hope this worked :)
1. The United States granted independence to Philippines in the year 1946, when the island liberated from the occupation of Japanese during the time of world war 11.
The independence was being established by the Treaty Mania. After Spanish-American war, the United States then acquired by Philippines in the time of 1898.
Before, Philippines it was colonized by Spain and then later by United States.
2. Unlike France, Russia and Britain the United States wanted to keep trade in China open.
3. When Philippines rebelled against United States rule, then the United States found itself using same tactics which were used by Spanish in Cuba.
Filipinos used Guerrilla warfare to undermine United States powers. It is through the military action which United States showed dominance over the Philippines.