<u>In law of superposition which layer is the oldest and which layer is the youngest?</u>
Law of superpostion is an axiom that forms one of the bases of the sciences of geology, archaeology, and other fields dealing with geological stratigraphy. In its plainest form, it states that in undeformed stratigraphic sequences, the oldest strata will be at the bottom of the sequence. The oldest layer would be at the bottem because of how old it is and because of how much other elemnt has been coverd on it. The younges would be on top because it is newer and just got the in the last 100 years.
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Most of the light passes through glass but none of the light passes through metal.
Wind water and ice roads and shape the land. Volcanic activity and earthquakes alter the landscape in a dramatic and often violent manner. And on a much longer time scale, the movement of earths plates slowly reconfigures oceans and continents. Each one of these processes plays a role in the Arctic and Antarctica.
Commensal bacteria are friendly bacteria in the large intestine.
These bacteria produce Vitamin K and Biotin (a B Vitamin). The bacteria may be
a source of these vitamins, but if a person depends solely on the bacteria for
these vitamins, the person may become vitamin-deficient especially if they are
treated with antibiotics that can kill commensal bacteria.