Grendel's mom fights more; pins him and has dagger.
Beowulf fought in both battles.
The difference between the battle between 'Beowulf and Grendel's mother' and 'Grendel and Beowulf' is that 'Grendel's mom is more attacking, she carries a dagger and even pins him.' In return, Beowulf counters her with the sword and breaks her collarbones. The importance of the similarity between the two distinct battles is that 'Beowulf took part in both of them.' Apart from the battle with Grendel's mother, he had an intense battle with Grendel too where the latter attempts to swallow him. However, Beowulf was successful in trashing him down.
People use their traits and abilities to complete work
This will be a short answer to incorporate into the paragraphs. When I asked what happened they said that stocks started going down and started to crash and the whole stock shut down. They told me that it would not be great for the family because we would start to lose money.
Dramatic Irony: The characters think one thing to be true, but the audience knows something else to be true
The reader already knows that all these irregular events are set up by Abigail. Though Danforth does not know this so he sides with her.