Temperature, precipitation, latitude, elevation, nearby water, topography, vegetation, and prevailing winds.
Temperature, precipitation, latitude, elevation, nearby water, topography, vegetation, and prevailing winds are the factors that helps to know the climate of a region. Floods have a large social consequences because it cause great damage to human life as well as to property, destruction of crops, and livestock, it is also cause of waterborne diseases that damage the health of affected people.
Ecuador & Columbia
Both are Bordering Peru in the North.
The respiratory and circulatory systems, for example, work together to provide oxygen to cells and remove carbon dioxide produced by the cells. The circulatory system takes oxygen from the lungs and delivers it to the tissues, then reverses the process with carbon dioxide.
Mount McKinley, which is located in Alaska
Mount McKinley’s highest peak is 20,320 feet.
If we all shared the same culture the world would be the same there would be no war or differences because we are all the same so there is no conflict and we will all believe in the same thing.