A. The rise in popularity of anti war and antigovernment protest movement
The answer to your question you asked yesterday on January 12 2018, is choice (A). Have a nice evening! :-)
The thirteen colonies included Delaware and New York.
The right answer for the question that is being asked and shown above is that:
1) an Aryan prince who was a Zoroastrian convert => G) Vishtaspa
2) the Zoroastrian name for a holy spirit => I) Zarathustra
3) the "Immortal Holy Ones," or the Sacred Seven => D) Spenta Mainyu
4) the sacred text of Zoroastrianism => B) Ahura Mazda
5) Towers of Silence where corpses are laid => F) Parsis
6) the followers of Zoroaster in India => H) dakhmas
7) "God the Eternal Light" => A) Avesta
8) Zoroaster's first convert => E) Amesha Spentas
9) the founder of Zoroastrianism =>C) Maidhynimaonha
To protect their freedoms and property.