Option B
The argument of moral reformer can be understood by using an example. If S would be a moral reformer, she is someone who believes that some aspects of her personal society's ethical compass are erroneous; she believes that behaviors that the code declares to be immoral are actually acceptable, or conversely.
Thus, both the moral reformers and relativism implies that there is not one correct actions but many as per the perspective of different doers.
I can't give you a straight answer, but I can provide the information for you to fish out the answer you're looking for...sorry I wasn't much of help.
How does a caucus differ from a primary?
Depending on the state and political party, voters in the United States participate in presidential nominating contests through either primaries or caucuses. Primaries are similar to general elections. Voters go to a polling place at any point over the course of the primary election day and cast a secret ballot.
What is the main difference between a primary and a caucus?
The main difference is that voter participation is much higher and it is more of a democratic decision making system. Primaries are much simpler than caucuses, in that party members simply show up, cast a ballot, and leave.
Primaries are similar to general elections. Voters go to a polling place at any point over the course of the primary election day and cast a secret ballot. Alternatively, voters cast mail-in ballots.
Caucuses provide forums for passionate supporters to sway other voters. Some caucuses ask voters to publicly declare their vote, while in others, voters cast a secret ballot after hearing speeches given on behalf of candidates. Caucuses are held on weekday evenings or weekends, and they typically last about two hours.
Unusual, abnormal is something not used lightly and shouldn't because demonstrating abnormal behavior is something to be worrisome about.
Answer: random sampling
Explanation: Random sampling is a part of the sampling technique which each sample has an equal probability of being chosen. A situatuon whereby sample chosen randomly is supposed to be an unbiased representation of the total population. If at all, when sample does not represent the population, then the variation is called a sampling error.
Description: Random sampling is one of the easiest ways of collecting data from the total population. In random sampling, each member of the subset carries an equal opportunity of being part of the sampling process. For example, the total workforce in from is 500 and to conduct a survey, a sample group of 50 employees is selected to do the survey. In this scenario the population is the total number of employees in the firm and the sample group of 50 employees is the sample. Every member of the workforce has the same opportunity of being chosen because all the employees which were chosen to be part of the survey were selected randomly. But, when there is a possibility that the group or the sample does not represent the population as a whole, that means, any random variation is termed as a sampling error.
Another example of a simple random sample would be the names of 25 employees being chosen out of a group of company of 250 employees. In this case, the population is all 250 employees, and the sample is random because each employee has an equal chance of being chosen.
Random sampling is usually used in science to conduct randomized control tests or for blinded experiments.
If priest/clergy is in your topic...