Prospero tells Miranda, his daughter, as he is creating a storm that tosses a ship, that he used to be the duke of Milan and consequently Miranda was a princess. Indeed it is Prospero who creates the storm. The fact that they have been on an island for a long time lacking interaction with other people has made Miranda lack a judgment of her own. Propspero tells that he was victim of usurpation of his kingdom from Antonio, his brother. He is teaching his daughter that not all people are kind on the world and that Antonio was not a noble person.
A superlative compares something to everything else. For example: This book is the best book there is. Here the superlative is "the best" which compares "this book" to all the other books that exist. Of course, you can narrow that and say something like: I'm the tallest person in my class. Now you're only talking about the people in your class and not everyone who exists. But, you're still doing the comparison against all the people/things in the set boundaries.
If a bully bothered me at school, I would first ignore it. Then if the bullying gets worse, I would ask him/her to stop politely(be patient with bullies they are having a hard time, and thats why they are most likely picking on you). If it doesn't stop I would report it to an adult, or a parent. It will stop after this, if it doesn't then talk to the bullies' parents or the principal