Dependent Variable: A dependent variable is what you measure in the experiment and what is affected during the experiment. ... It is called dependent because it "depends" on the independent variable. In a scientific experiment, you cannot have a dependent variable without an independent variable.
When burning, Yes.
A normal fire in a steel-frame building can soften the structure to the point of collapse.
Building laws / regulations require that all the structural steelwork is either covered in a protective coating (such as intumescent paint) or boxed in with fire-resistant plaster, so the fire can be extinguished before the building is weakened - or at least give people time to get out.
If that coating or plaster is damaged by impact or an explosion, the steel is exposed and the building can collapse relatively quickly.
(The common intumescent coatings just look like paint until exposed to fire, so the steelwork may appear to have no particular protection - but it always does).
See the images below - small buildings with steel-frame roofs after fires; you can see the amount of "sagging" and distortion on structures that have no particularly high loads.
These have burned long enough to destroy any protection, or they did not have any as the structure does not support occupied space.
Common nouns: pasture, pasture, town glider, car house
Proper nouns: Saturday, Thompson Street, Blue Bonnet, Red Diamond Coffee
most of the time when a word is CAPITAL then it is a proper noun.
Answer: [D] Southern colonies and Middle colonies
Yes, because morally, it’s the right thing to do. Our common humanity means that those of us who are doing well (often doing <em>too</em> well) should help those whose basic needs are not met. And, in part, our personal and national wealth has often been created by the exploitation of poor people – colonial extraction of resources, the slavery and opium trades, unfair international trade and finance practices and others. Reallocating just <em>1% of global wealth</em> would eradicate extreme income poverty at a stroke. Those of us who are ‘better-off’ would be stupid not to help the poor. If we want a prosperous, politically stable and environmentally sustainable world for ourselves (and for future generations), then we have to help poor people in poorer, less fortunate lands.
Hope this helps, honey. Best of luck with assignments like these.