The correct answer is: A dangling modifier.
Modifiers help us add more detail about our thoughts and sentences. "She spoke quickly when she saw her mother". Here, the word <em>quickly</em> is a modifier, modifying the word <em>spoke</em>. It goves more information about how someone spoke (an adverb modifying a verb).
A dangling modifier is usually placed at the beginning of a sentence, although we can also put it at the end of a sentence.
<em>Walking on the road</em><em>, a plane flew over the sky</em>. In this sentence, we don't know who was walking on the road, so the modifier <em>walking on the road </em>doesn't have anything to modify.
The answer is “B” because the Scientific were experienced in the real world.
D: I know I blew it, but I totally forgot what time the meeting’s supposed to start.