I mean debate can encourage new laws but if you have one side wishing for laws and the other against it. It will usually slow legislation which is entirely the purpose. But it depends on what view are you taking it from because th end result can be no legislation at all or even a relaxation of legislation in fact that's happened in some states. So it depends on the view and narrative you wish to push. because it can be a semblance of all but B. If you're a centrist you'd probably say this debate will encourage new laws but the whole point of not wishing for infringements upon one's rights means no new laws. If you wanted new laws then this debate is a waste of time but you're angering a large portion of the population because you seek not to listen to the statistics and thereby information one may have that may dissuade from the legislation. And if you look at D it can be so. If 2 cannot agree then rights will not be infringed upon. Unless the side with more representatives that disagrees with the right then such laws will be enacted. Yes, they can place new restrictions and there you can make the case it's unconstitutional and etc because well there is ground and a foundation laid upon there. But as far as an actual thing it'd be A I suppose. But I'd question the teacher because it depends on how one views a division. It can be either cooperative relationships that can be mended or an all or nothing if it's not my way then we will have conflict and it shall erupt. It all depends.
Islamic scholars preserved some of art and literature’s most classical works, inspiring the Europeans.
<u>The way Henry used of persuasive rhetoric influence the start of the American revolution:</u>
Henry Patrick was one of the United States Founding Fathers and the first Virginian Governor. He was a talented speaker in the American Revolution and a leading figure. His stimulating discourses, including a lecture to the Virginia parliamentary Assembly in 1775 in which he was famous as saying, "Give me freedom, or give me death!"—America's freedom war has been fired up.
Patrick Henry used persuasive rhetoric in this speech to encourage the Virginian prominent, wealthy men, to take away much of their previous political policy, in contrast to the more traitorous one, the more transparent military preparedness, of British hostility.
Henry spoke without any notes. His popular address contains no transcripts. In 1817, the only recorded edition of the speech was published by the writer William Wirt in his autobiography, which prompted some scholars to believe that Wirt might have made the famous quote from Patrick Henry to sell a copy of his book.
It was the "War of the Roses" that was a fight for control of the English throne. The origins of the war are very complex, but in general the Rose families all believed that they had the right to inherit the monarchy.