"If I were you" is an example of D) passive voice and subjunctive mood.
Passive means you are not the one performing the action, and subjunctive mood is a wish which usually begins with if.
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Answer: The rhyming words link the ideas that the Shepherd spends a lot of time with the sheep and speaks highly of them.
The rhyming words or the two sentences with Rhyme in them are,
<em>From the morn to the evening he stays;</em>
<em>And his tongue shall be filled with praise</em>
The first line shows that the Shepard spends a alot of time with the sheep. He is with them every day for the whole day morning to evening which is a lot of time to spend with his sheep and he does not seem to mind this because his mouth is always filled with praise. When you praise something you speak highly of it. These two rhymes therefore show that the Shepard spends a lot of time with his sheep and speaks highly of them.
In Emily Dickinson’s poem, she uses metaphor, likening the notion of hope to a bird that flies despite “the storm”, the cold of “the chilliest land” and the isolation of “the strangest sea” and because such metaphorical bird “flies” inside one’s “soul”, such hope is personified. In Finding Flight, the process is similar although here the text is not a poem but a story in prose. The device of remembrance of the figure of the late grandfather turns a hummingbird into a symbol of hope for the narrator. There is no metaphor here but actually symbolism. The hummingbird symbolizes both hope and the memory of the beloved grandfather who has “passed”. The bird “gives hope” both to the grandfather and the granddaughter. The plot structure is the same for both works, a reflection on the luminosity of hope, then a period of hardship that tests hope and then the resilience of hope despite all the troubles and darkness of life.