D) The United States issued the Stimson Doctrine, which
stated that America refused to recognize any territorial changes made as a
result of Japanese aggression in Manchuria. The United States publicly stated
that their government disagreed with Japan's actions. Henry Stimson, the U.S. Secretary of War,
issued a moral statement condemning Japan's invasion of Manchuria.
When a strong centralized government rules over a portion of land and dictates how their citizens live
At Jefferson's request the two houses of Congress considered and passed the Embargo Act quickly in December 1807. All U.S. ports were closed to export shipping in either U.S. or foreign vessels, and restrictions were placed on imports from Great Britain.
Free enterprise - an economic system in which privately owned businesses have the freedom to operate for a profit with limited government intervention,
The use of one's rights must be constrained by the rights of others. As we will see later, the economic freedom of businesses is constrained by competition from other producers. Economic freedom is an important part of the free enterprise system, because it allows us to pursue our own self-interests.
oppuurtunity market-The definition of a marketing opportunity analysis looks at the current state of an industry or market in order to determine where there is room to attract more customers, introduce new products, sell products or achieve company growth.
A market opportunity is a good deal for buyers and a good deal for the region because it represents a situation where you can meet buyers' demands for products and services while at the same time growing stocks of capitals, increasing local ownership and control, and improving local livelihoods.
tariff-a tax or duty to be paid on a particular class of imports or exports.
IQ and achievement depend on the same abstract reasoning processes that underlie g.
This is the reason why Shayla's scholastic achievement is related to her IQ. A person's IQ is the person's "intelligence quotient." This is the score that derives from a set of standardized tests designed to assess human intelligence. This term was created by doctor William Stern. Approximately two-thirds of the population of the world scores between IQ 85 and IQ 115, while 2.5% scores above 130 and 2.5% scores below 70.