John and Jean are married and decide to open three separate accounts for their money. What is the most likely reason for their d
ecision? A.They have too much money and can’t keep it in a single account.
B.John and Jean are part of a dual-income family.
C.The bank does not allow more than one person to open an account.
D.They want someone else to handle their finances.
Probably John and Jean are a double income couple, since each has their own salary and individual income. Probably they need three bank accounts because one of them is a joint bank account between John and Jean and the other two are individual accounts of each.
Dexter is Our Hero, the main character of "Winter Dreams." ... Dexter's main goal in life is to make tons of money and improve his social class. He dreams of actually playing golf with the rich men he caddies for at the Sherry Island Golf Club.