loyal , good listner , layz
bc it right
All genres and mediums have one basic thing in common. They're all ways that people tell stories to each other. At the end of the day, these stories all imagine the same situation: Boy meets girl, parents tear them apart....
There are a lot of myths about the $2.00 bill. Some believe that there are so few of the bill made because John Hanson (1791-?), a black Liberian senator, is portrayed on the back of the bill. Evidence suggests that this John Hanson is portrayed on the back of the bill, but is not the same as the John Hanson (1721-1783) that is a presiding officer of the Continental Congress. Supposedly, the John Hanson from the Continental Congress is from an earlier era than the black Liberian senator. John Hanson, the black Liberian senator" is believed to be portrayed on the $2 bill because it wasn't commercially introduced until 1839. This cannot be proven because there are strong claims to both sides of the argument. However, in the original painting, there is no black man.
The root is corpus, which in Latin means "body." hope this helps :)