The New Deal is often summed up by the “Three Rs”: relief (for the unemployed) recovery (of the economy through federal spending and job creation), and. reform (of capitalism, by means of regulatory legislation and the creation of new social welfare programs).
a. Many parts of Latin America were fed up with the dictatorial rule of the Spanish Crown and consequently fought for and won independence.
The independence of Latin American countries in the early 19th century is often the fruit of the desire of local elites (criollos) for more political power combined with the spreading of libertarian ideals, inspired by the French Revolution and the establishment of a free United States of America.
The Triple Entante contained the countrys of Great Britain, France, Serbia and Russia. While the Triple Alliance contains the countrys of Germany, Itlay and Austria-Hungary
A nation's competitiveness resides not only in their abundance in natural resources but in the quality of its human capital. If a nation lacks the natural resources that are sought for in the world, it can compensate that by focusing on giving its citizens the best education possible in order for them to become skilled workers in the future. This will enable them to with the capacity to generate new knowledge and develop innovating industries which are profitable. The products that these industries produce normally fall in the categories of electronics, software, the automotive industry, and the aviation industry. The country will import the raw material and produce highly specialized products that it will end up selling to those same countries that sold them the raw material.
A clear example of this is Japan. The country lacks the natural resources that other countries have like oil and minerals. However, the Japanese industry is responsible for the creation of many electronics that we use nowadays. This has produced the country incredible wealth over the last 50 years.