The correct answer is D. National Parks are an invention of the United States that has spread around much of the world, as a way of protecting some of the finest parts of the world.
A national park is a park in which the protection of nature comes first, albeit almost always in alignment with human activities (in particular recreation, often also forestry, agriculture, hunting and fishing, sometimes mining) in and around the national park. The state usually recognizes the national significance of such a park and guarantees its protection. The term was coined in the US around 1870. Shortly thereafter the Yellowstone National Park was founded in a special area with geysers and bison among others. This park serves as an example for many other parks. Since then, hundreds of national parks have been established worldwide.
At some point in the not-so-distant future, whites will become the racial minority in the United States. Why is that so terrifying to some of us — why must we see it as a win-lose? Black culture, tempered in the fires of slavery and Jim Crow and by myriad forms of rural and urban, Southern and Northern, discrimination, has deeply enriched our national life. In the face of repeated exclusion and abuse, Blacks have chosen to keep faith with the core promises of our Constitution. Their leaders, like the late John Lewis, are therefore in a position to make what Lewis called “good trouble” — holding our collective feet ever closer to the fire of our professed principles. Ms. Gorman will be of legal age to run for president in 2033. If I’m still around, I would joyfully vote to put myself in her capable hands.
Yes, Jews were able to practice their religion.
For the Romans, religion was, above all, the fear of the supernatural. In Rome, religion had two aspects: one public, the state cult, and another private, the family worship. To understand the Roman religion it is important to understand that for them it did not imply the assumption of a philosophy, a moral and a program of life, but the participation in the rites. The religious man was the one who participated in the rite (not the believer), in this way it is explained that in Rome all the religions of the Empire were settled.
In the year 313 A.D., the <u>Edict of Milan</u> is published in the Roman Empire, which is the first legal document that establishes <u>religious freedom</u>. Indeed, Emperor Constantine comes to operate the reversal of the panorama of the relations between the Empire and the Christians. The Edict established freedom of worship for Christians and other religions, although in reality only the former saw their convictions threatened by the Empire. In any case, the Edict states that "no one who has accepted the Christian belief or any other that seems to be the most convenient for him, is obliged to deny his conviction."