Susanna Heisse.
Susanna Heisse fue la primera persona a la que se le ocurrió la idea y produjo eco-ladrillos para reciclar el plástico en un material útil. Susanna Heisse se horrorizó al ver el nivel de desechos plásticos alrededor del lago Atitlán en Guatemala. Entonces ella creó la idea de EcoBrick. Ella construyó una pared de ladrillos que se producen a partir de una botella de plástico, que se convirtió en una inspiración para personas de todo el mundo. Organizaciones ecológicas, empresas de materiales de construcción y mobiliario que trabajan con Ecobrick.
Because until they are teenagers, children are not physically (or, in most cases) mentally ready for physical labor.
Salvador Dali's 1931 work, The Persistence of Memory is a surrealistic masterpiece.
Salvador Dali's 1931 work, The Persistence of Memory is a surrealistic work in that it derives heavily from the unconscious or the dreams of its maker.
Salvador Dali's seminal work features a poignant metaphor for the time he was making the work in.
The melting clock showcases the persistence of memory throughout time as if it is as fresh as the events it is relating and when it was formed.
It also shows the fluidity of time in the minds of the modern people who were growing up in a world where the transience of time was new reality and not the strict chronology of the past.