Women were looked at as a cause of sin, even though the doctrine said they were viewed as equal. Many went into monasteries to prove their worth, devotion, virtue and to ensure the survival of their families and their souls. They were treated as were treated as inferior to men.
Their level of influence was the highest in ancient times.
The Egyptians took it upon themselves to constantly expand and improve their empire. This led to their constant expeditions for expansion. They thought their way of life was superior to others..and decided to educate the "barbarians" around them.
The basis at the time before the French Revolution is the
following: Money and Title. The Three estates are the clergies, the nobles and
the commoners. The clergies are made up of rich and poor layman serving the Church.
The nobles refers to the monarch while the commoners are the ordinary rich
people in France.
James L. Farmer, Jr, was the organizer of the Freedom Rides.
Freedom Rides were a form of resistance that emerged from the civil rights movement. The so-called Freedom Riders helped abolish state-sanctioned racial segregation by taking suburban buses to the southern states to implement the Supreme Court's rulings that prohibited segregation in public transport, restaurants, and waiting rooms.
The first Freedom Ride, led by James L. Farmer Jr. left Washington, D.C. on May 4, 1961 towards New Orleans. The joint drive of whites and blacks provoked violent protests, gave rise to the civil rights movement and first made American citizens and later the whole world aware of the problem. Participants were arrested in part for trespassing, unlawful assembly, and violations of state and local laws.
I need specifics to understand why you need this lol