Gregor is upset that he has been transformed into an insect.
He is surprise when he said what happen to me
Once when I was like 10 I was playing is my friend katies backyard and heard very faintly somebody yell my name. I figured it was my mom so i pretened like i didnt hear it so i could play a little longer. My concience got the better of me and i headed back like 10 mintues later to find my mom, bandeging my little sister who go stung by muptile wasps. She yelled my name that day and for the first time i realised i was responsible for her, for the most part. Maybe somethinglike that but more dramatic and stuff. Hope you use it
There are several options for the turning point. When Macbeth listens to and decides to kill Duncan fulfilling the prophecy. However, in Act III, Scene IV, when Macbeth sees the ghostly figures at the dinner. This is the ultimate moment when Macbeth realizes that there is no way out of his nightmare.
A run-on sentence is a sentence having two independent clauses with improper punctuation and without conjunctions. The correct answer is option b. It is difficult to understand a run-on sentence because you cannot identify where to pause or stop and that the sentence does not have conjunctions which would help in the transition of clauses.