Answer: Diarrhea or constipation can be caused when the muscles of the large intestine do not function properly
Explanation: Diarrhea is caused when an infection or illness cause the body to release too much water into the intestines in order to flush them out. Constipation is the opposite; not enough fiber causes a backup of stool in the large intestine. The colon's main job is to absorb water, nutrients and electrolytes from partially digested food, the rest is pushed down as waste (feaces)
Muscles in the colon work to get rid of the body's waste products. They contract and relax as they push the undigested food through the large intestine. If the muscles in the colon don't work at the right speed for proper digestion or if the coordination with muscles in the rectum or pelvis is interrupted, the contents of the colon can't move along smoothly. When this happens, a person can feel the belly cramps, bloating, constipation, and diarrhea
Constipation and diarrhea, are both caused by a similar thing. Constipation is caused whenever there is too much buildup of food, or other food based material in the intestines. Usually this passes itself, yet constipation can also cause diarrhea through a bowel movement.