El arte gótico fue un estilo de arte medieval que se desarrolló en el norte de Francia a partir del arte románico en el siglo XII d.C., liderado por el desarrollo simultáneo de la arquitectura gótica. Se extendió por toda Europa occidental y gran parte del norte, sur y centro de Europa, sin borrar nunca los estilos más clásicos de Italia. A finales del siglo XIV, se desarrolló el sofisticado estilo cortesano del gótico internacional, que continuó evolucionando hasta finales del siglo XV. En muchas áreas, especialmente en Alemania, el arte gótico tardío continuó hasta bien entrado el siglo XVI, antes de ser subsumido en el arte renacentista. Los medios primarios en el período gótico incluyeron la escultura, la pintura sobre tabla, las vidrieras, los frescos y los manuscritos iluminados. Los cambios fácilmente reconocibles en la arquitectura del románico al gótico, y del gótico al renacimiento, se utilizan típicamente para definir los períodos en el arte en todos los medios, aunque en muchos sentidos el arte figurativo se desarrolló a un ritmo diferente.
Answer: I got 8/10 dont know last two
The ideas of the social contract, natural laws and natural rights, and separation of powers, are all found in our Founding Documents, like the US Constitution and the Declaration of Independence.
After the First World War, and the treaty of Versailles, the economic and political situation was not good. Hitler was opposed to the new Weimar Republic. Also, as a german soldier, he found it hard to accept the defeat of the German Empire. As many nationalists, Hitler believed that Germany had lost the war due to betrayal. Socialists, communists and Jews were blamed, even though many had served in the war and many other were killed.
Hitler thought the German people were a superior race, that were destined to be the masters of Europe, and that jews, homosexuals and black people, among others, were a threat for Germany. According to Hitler, they were an inferior race, that was poisoning the german.
Kapus were strictly enforced. Breaking one, even unintentionally, often meant immediate death,[1] Koʻo kapu. The concept is related to taboo and the tapu or tabu found in other Polynesian cultures. The Hawaiian word kapu is usually translated to English as "forbidden", though it also carries the meanings of "keep out", "no trespassing", "sacred", "consecrated", or "holy".
The opposite of kapu is noa, meaning "common" or "free".