The independent variable is a variable that can be stood alone. So therefore, the independent variable would be how long it takes to parachute.
Biogenesis has permitted rapid advances in our understanding of structural macromolecules from living cells. Biogenesis theory was first coined by Rudolph Virchow and countered the claim of organisms being in existence according to the Big Bang Theory technique. Biogenesis involves the study of how organisms evolved from smaller ones to become complex.
Biokinetics deals with ways to maintain a healthy body through physical activities. Bio thermodynamics deals with the flow of energy in a biological system while Bioinformatics deals with the use of computer and technology in data analysis.
The answer is b because genes can control sn organisms traits
This is because the traits like height, are influenced by environmental conditions around the individual. For example, there are two children born to same mother. But one is given best facilities, nutrition and care, whereas other one is brought up by a poor family, which hardly get good food to eat. His condition is much worse than the first case. In such a situation, the former child will grow up healthy and fit, and will have more height than the later one. Although, both got genes from same parent, but the environmental conditions influenced the expression of those genes differently.
30 protein molecules per mRNA molecule
In this problem, it is necessary to have into account that the transcriptional process requires six (6) phosphate bonds to synthesize one (1) codon (i.e, each three nucleotides), and also discards 95% more energy to make mRNA, it means 19 times this amount of energy >> 6 x 19 = 114 bonds. In consequence, transcription requires 120 phosphate bonds (6 + 114 = 120), while translation requires four (4) phosphate bonds per codon. From this deduction, it is possible to find the number of protein molecules synthesized with regard to the energy cost of the translation process and the transcriptional process >>> 120 bonds (transcription) /4 bonds (translation) = 30 protein molecules.